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时间:2022-10-26 20:00:33 作者:语文迷 字数:2349字


Soft drink


软饮───Soft drink


Wife: And a soft drink vending machine.───老婆: 和柔和的饮料自动售货机.

To enter puberty, work, love, and taste are also shifted from the soft drink coffee.───进入青春期, 工作了, 恋爱了, 口味也由汽水转向了咖啡.

Root beer is actually a soft drink, and not a beer.───沙士是不含酒精的饮料, 不是啤酒.

Soft drink makers to stop selling sugary soda, offer alternatives to kids in US.───美国软饮料生产商们想停止销售含糖苏打汽水, 为孩子们提供别的替代品.

A soft drink turns away companies.───软饮料会赶走伙伴.

So she and her colleagues decided to put the soft drink to the test.───于是她和她的同事们决定检测一下这种软饮料.

I prefer a soft drink.───还是来些果汁.

The U.S. soft drink industry still works this way today.───一直到现在,美国汽水工业还是这样做的.
