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时间:2022-10-27 12:03:42 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:3007字


Eternal love


永恒之爱───Eternal love


That is why I have pledged my eternal love to you. Mmm!───那就是我发誓永远爱你的原因.

She was with the rabbit, a silk belt around eternal love.───玉兔伴嫦娥, 绢带千古绕相思.

By wearing the ring on the third finger of the left hand, a married couple symbolically declares their eternal love for each other.───将婚戒戴在左手的第三只手指上, 意味着夫妻双方象征性地宣告他们的爱情天长地久,他们定能白头偕老.

Maybe this is the Eternal Love!───也许这就是永恒的爱!

A wedding ring is a symbol of eternal love between a married couple.───结婚戒指象征已婚夫妇之间永恒的爱.

If you want a eternal love, please read this.───如果你想要一段永恒的爱情, 请接着往下看.

I will give my eternal love to you.───我将把我无尽的爱给你.

Nothing could deter , nothing can alter, My eternal love for her. I'll gain My country girl.───神永远的爱,无何能妨碍, 亦无何能以更改, 神终得心所爱!


Overcome with remorse she swears eternal love to him, at which he recovers.

A wedding ring is a symbol of eternal love between a married couple.

Roses for eternal love. Lilies for sweetness. Baby's breath. Why so blue?

Sometimes, the everlasting and vows of eternal love is not in proportion.

The Taj Mahal was constructed as a monument of eternal love by the Emperor Shah Jahan Taj Mahal for his dearly departed wife.