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时间:2022-10-27 20:03:36 作者:语文迷 字数:2684字


Star times


星次───Star times


He was called "China's Lucky Star" since he saved his team many times in important games.───他被称为“中国的幸运星”,因为他多次在重要的比赛中拯救了他的球队。

the first time ever, a black hole has been seen being born out of a supernova of a star perhaps 20 times the mass of our sun.───有史以来,人类第一次观察到了一个黑洞的诞生,它生成自一颗约是太阳质量20倍恒星的超新星爆炸中。

You always lose your m, and so you find that the speed at which it reaches the neutron star M R M neutron star times G divided by R neutron star.───你们发现,它到达中子星的速度,等于二次根号,乘以G,is,the,square,root,of,two,除以中子星的半径,你们应记住这等式。

Which means that this is constant, since all we have then is simply VA bar star times pi.───这意味着这是常数,我们最终得到的是vA*乘以π

Actually also does not calculate is too expensive, a 70-80 dollar bottle, can drink several star times.───其实也并不算太贵,七八十块钱一瓶,能喝几星期。

A And we destroy it through the final process.───星乘以M,A,star,times,M。,我们通过最后的过程破坏它。
