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时间:2022-10-28 00:03:07 作者:星火作文 字数:3066字


integrated ceiling


吊顶───suspended ceiling;集成───integrate


It is fully newly decorated. The landlord will provide the suspended ceiling, lighting, carpetglass door.───基本是全新装修的,业主提供吊顶天花连灯盘照明 、 地毡及玻璃门等.

insulation is installed through a suspended ceiling.───通过安装吊顶来达到绝热保温。

The roof is a concrete slab covered by Roman red terracotta tiles and by a wood suspended ceiling.───混凝土屋顶上覆盖着罗马赤陶瓦,天花板为木质结构。

In respect of suspended ceiling : Forming access panels as required including providing trimming and additional supports.───关于吊顶: 按价格制作可触嵌板,包括提供修边和附加的支撑.

newly decorated. The landlord will provide the suspended ceiling, lighting, carpets and glass doors.───全新装修的,业主还会提供吊顶、照明、地毯、玻璃门等。

Lights are installed above the suspended ceiling beaming through the opaque acrylic panels.───灯具安装在吊顶上方,通过不透明的丙烯塑胶板聚束照射.

A : lt is fully and newly decorated. The landlord will provide the suspended ceiling, lighting. carpet and glass door.───基本是全新装修的,业主提供吊顶 、 照明、地毯玻璃门等.


Above this central partition lay a heavy timber roof-truss, supporting the purlins and extending down to suspended ceiling level.

The council-run Windsor Restaurant will be redecorated and get new carpets, a suspended ceiling and new furniture.