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时间:2022-10-28 12:05:23 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2481字


nine and one-fourth


九───nine;四分───Four points


Six from fifteen leaves nine.───15减6等于9.

I've been with my girl for nine years.───我同我女朋友交往9年了。

We still sighted nine yachts.───我们还是看到了九艘游艇。

Four of the nine starting balloons were still aloft the next day.───9个开幕气球第二天还有4个飘在空中。

They cost nine pounds new, three pounds secondhand.───新的9英镑,旧的3英镑。

I looked down the hallway to room number nine.───我顺着走廊看了一眼9号房。

It will be a mild night, around nine degrees Celsius.───晚间天气温和,温度约九摄氏度。

He was on cloud nine after winning the competition.───他在比赛胜利后欣喜若狂.


The radio announcer said it was nine o'clock.

He's only been in this job for nine months.

Nine tailors make a man.

Parsley seed goes nine times to the Devil.

There are nine planets in the solar system.