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时间:2022-10-29 00:01:10 作者:星火作文 字数:2642字


Li Yin


厉音───Li Yin


bridal makeup artist, said she had to work throughout the holiday, without the help of her assistant, who was also fully booked during the week.───的新娘化妆师尹丽说,国庆长期期间她一直在工作,而且是在没有助理帮助的情况下,因为她的助理在长期期间也是日程排满。

Xuan, media officer of the Chinese Olympic soccer team, said Thursday that Dujkovic has been moved into another job as an adviser and was replaced by Yin Tiesheng.───国奥队新闻官李轩17日证实,杜伊已被足协安排到另一岗位,今后将为国奥队提供顾问服务,殷铁生将作为执行教练带队参加奥运会。

Later from Li Yin Fai, I know when she saw this fax, she already could not get up from her bed, could not eat or do any activity.───后来我才从连炎辉口中得悉,她看信时已不能起床、进食,甚至活动。

Many children like Li yin ming and Liu hanzi can't get an education because their families are poor.───许多像刘三子和李银明这样的孩子因为家庭贫穷而不能够接受教育。

On Improving Stock Management in Li Yin Sino- Foreign Joint-Venture───关于完善利英中外合资公司存货管理的思考
