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时间:2022-10-29 00:03:55 作者:优美文章达人 字数:3188字


Common words


常话───Common words


Many common words, such as the names for the days of the week and the months of the year, also come from mythology.───许多常见的单词,比如星期几、月份的名称,也来自神话。

Choose common words over more difficult ones.───选择常用词语。

three most common words were nation, America and people.───三个最普遍的词汇是国家,美国和人民。

Naughty but I did not care about my life on the road is about to burst when a very common words appear in my eyes regardless of potential.───可是调皮的我什么也不管,就在我的人生道路即将破灭的时候,一句很普通的话出现在我那势而不管的眼前。

In common words, component could be requirements, design, code, testing cases, documents or other production in software developing process.───广义上讲,构件可以是需求分析、设计、代码、测试用例、文档或软件开发过程中的其它产品。

I saw [a Thai symbol] and needed to associate it with 't', I thought of a number of common words starting with t.───当我看到一个[泰国象形文字],需要将它与字母t联系,我会想到很多以字母t打头的单词。


This paper is mainly about the common words in Hakka dialect and minority languages in south China.

The Gypsies speak a language called Romany which has many common words with Indian languages.

Remember that machine translation is a computer process that prefers common words and phrases.

Spelling is usually correct or reasonably phonetic of common words.

In the big mandarin area , we should differentiate proper noun, technical terms and common words.