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时间:2022-10-29 12:00:43 作者:趣历史 字数:2321字


We bought half a kilogram


半千克───Half a kilogram;买───buy


Slice me half a kilogram of pork.───我切一斤猪肉。

In one day they eat about half a kilogram of leaves.───它们在一天当中吃掉约半公斤的树叶。

Perhaps it weighs no more than half a kilogram.───大概不超过半公斤吧。

Customers pay thirteen dollars for less than half a kilogram of beans -- about double the price of other brands.───顾客购买不到半千克的咖啡豆需要花费13美元,这大约是其他品牌咖啡豆价格的两倍。

To lose half a kilogram a week, you generally need to consume 500 fewer calories a day.───如果你想一周减少半公斤的体重,那么你通常每天就要少吃500大卡的食物。

Generally it takes more than three and a half kilograms of grain to get half a kilogram of meat.───通常,需要3.5公斤以上的谷物以得到半公斤的肉。
