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时间:2022-10-29 12:02:57 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2770字


A long breath


愒息───A long breath


He drew a long breath.───他喘了口气。

He let out a long breath.───他做了一个深呼吸。

long breath, she put down her little bowl.───她深深地吸了一口气,放下了她的小碗。

Simply close your eyes, draw in a long breath that gently pushes out your belly, then slowly exhale as you relax your belly.───闭上你的双眼,深深地吸一口气,使它们涨满你的腹部,再慢慢地呼气,然后放松你的腹部。

He drew a long breath and repeatedly chanted the name of Rama, every word showering nectar into the hearts of the devotees.───他深深地吸了一口气,重复地唱颂着罗摩的名字,每一个字都像甘露般地洒落在奉献者的心里。

Will: "Liberty" , in case you've forgotten, is a soul's right to breathe. When it cannot take a long breath, laws are girded too tight.───“自由”,如果你已经忘了的话,就是一个人呼吸的灵魂权利.无法让人呼吸的法律太严肃.。


He let out a long breath.

As soon as the train started, I drew a long breath of relief.

Joe exhales a long breath and sneaks another look at the clock: 1: 58.

He took in a long breath, held it and squeezed the handle of the cutters.