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时间:2022-10-30 00:03:51 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2858字


Double Ninth Festival month


重阳节───Double Ninth Festival;月份───month


When is the double ninth Festival?───重阳节是什么时候?

Really? But today is the Double Ninth Festival!───真的? 今天可是九九节 啊 !

Who do people celebrate the Double Ninth Festival for?───人们为谁庆祝重阳节?

Today is September ninth by lunar calendar . It's Double Ninth Festival.───今天是农历九月初九,是重阳节.

The 9 th day of the 9 th lunar month is the traditional Chongyang Festival Double Ninth Festival.───农历九月九日是传统的重阳节,也叫重九节,阳历一般都在十月份.

The Double Ninth Festival is the ninth day of the ninth lunar month.───重阳节是在农历九月初九.当代,农历九月初九是“敬老节”.

It's also called the Double Ninth Festival.───它也被称为重阳节。


The Double Ninth Festival is the ninth day of the ninth lunar month.

Idleness on Ninth Day And Foreword is Tao Yuanming sonly Double Ninth Festival poem to chant the chrysanthemum, and this poem has deep influence in Tang Dynasty.

On the Double Ninth Festival , people will eat Double Ninth Gao ( or Cake ) .

Today is September ninth by lunar calendar . It's Double Ninth Festival.

The 9 th day of the 9 th lunar month is the traditional Chongyang Festival Double Ninth Festival.