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时间:2022-10-30 12:00:15 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2908字


Mother plant


母株───Mother plant


Its mother plant last bloomed in the Frankfurt Palm Garden in 1992.───其母株上一次开花是1992年在法兰克福棕榈花园。

This is my calla lily. I also got them from my garden. Their mother plant is still in garden.───这是我的马蹄莲。我也是从花园分枝得来的。它们的妈妈辈植物还在花园里呢。

Bob is Dot's dog, and he likes to dig! Will there be trouble or fun when they try to help Dot's mother plant a tree?───鲍勃是多特的小狗,这只小狗喜欢刨坑,多特的妈妈想种树,他们会带来麻烦呢?还是乐趣呢?

Plant tissue culture (TC) uses plant cells or tissue from a healthy mother plant to grow thousands of young plants.───植物组织培养使用来自健康植物母本的细胞或组织,培育出数以千计的幼苗。

They may be ejected from the plant onto the bare soil, or entangled on the dead mother plant.───它们可能由植株直接落到裸露的土壤上,或者连接在死亡的母株上。


In pollination test of two kinds of lilies, the burliness quantity from mother plant of Prato lily were great, but...

After dispersal, the short pappus of the achenes can adhere to the wet soil surface so that the achenes remain near the dead mother plant and germinate there.

This is my calla lily. I also got them from my garden. Their mother plant is still in garden.