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时间:2022-10-30 12:03:54 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2512字


Lead pencil


铅铅笔───Lead pencil


I need a soft lead pencil.───我需要一支软铅笔芯的铅笔。

Pieces of bread were used to erase lead pencil before rubber came into use.───橡皮擦使用之前,人们用一片面包来擦铅笔字。

Many transistors are smaller than the eraser on the end of a lead pencil.───很多晶体管都比铅笔头上的橡皮还要小。

Pieces of bread were used to erase lead pencil before rubber came into use.───在橡皮擦使用之前,人们用一片面包来擦铅笔字.

I need a soft lead pencil.───我需要一枝软芯铅笔.


The Heilongjiang Province Hailin Lead pencil factory welcome you!

Sentencedict.com try its best to gather and build good sentences.

Pieces of bread were used to erase lead pencil before rubber came into use.

Brande expresses her preference for coffee, a medium-soft lead pencil, and a noiseless portable typewriter.

There were boxes of coloured crayons and wax, lead pencils and paints in colours he never knew existed.