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时间:2022-10-30 16:00:23 作者:语文迷 字数:2873字


Will you masturbate?




In contrast, girls are likely to discover masturbation alone and by accident.───反过来, 女孩大约都是独自或偶然发现自娱的乐趣.

Masturbation is not a good thing when one shoots blanks repeatedly.───这是华航启航不久时的东西.大家回顾一下.

Perhaps the classic Victorian view of the pure and proper lady laid the foundation for the shame and silence that is more associated with female than with male masturbation.───也许,维多利亚时代对纯洁而行为得当的妇女的看法,为羞耻和沉默奠定了基础,这更多地是针对妇女,而不是男人。

According to Richard Feynman, physics is to mathematics as sex to masturbation.───理查费曼就是那个[别闹了]的物理学家,此人文字幽默风趣,我手头也有几本他的书.

if people want to sit around and talk about whom I've dated, then I'd say they have a lot of spare time and should consider other topics… or masturbation.───人太喜欢八卦了,他们居然有闲心八卦我跟谁约会,要是真有这么多时间的话,为嘛不讨论点别的话题……太闲的话去打手枪好了。

will not be able to spend a single day without masturbation, and will probably want to have a go at it whenever they can afford.───一天不进行都难以忍受,并可能在身体无法承受的时候也想要尝试,这自然会导你无法专心工作。
