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时间:2022-10-30 20:00:57 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2683字


Yes, he is a good goalkeeper




The goalkeeper came into his own with a series of brilliant saves.───守门员开始进入状态,作出了一连串精彩的扑救。

The penalty kick was agonizing to the goalkeeper.───点球对守门员来说简直是酷刑.

The club has signed up a new goalkeeper this season.───俱乐部这一季节已签约雇用一名新守门员.

Then the Dane went round the goalkeeper and was fouled.───丹麦人想晃过守门员,但是被侵犯了.

For a goalkeeper, it's a great advantage to have big hands.───对于守门员来说, 有一双大手是很大的优势.

We lack a good goalkeeper.───我们少一个好的守门员.

The goalkeeper jumped and caught the ball.───守门员跳起来接住了球.

It was a clear foul by Ford on the goalkeeper.───这明显是福特对守门员犯规。


The England goalkeeper played brilliantly.

Technically, he is an excellent goalkeeper.

Eric has been signed on for the team as goalkeeper.

They're a fairly good team - their only weak link is a relatively inexperienced goalkeeper.

His shot beat the goalkeeper neck and crop.