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时间:2022-10-31 00:03:38 作者:星火作文 字数:2685字


Dancing excitedly




The fans screamed with excitement when they saw him.───那些对他仰慕得发狂的人看见他时,激动得尖声大叫.

The news caused great excitement among her friends.───这消息使她的朋友们兴奋不已。

He was overwhelmed with excitement.───他极为兴奋.

All the countrymen were in a state of great excitement.───全体乡亲都非常兴奋.

The excitement at the start of a race can really get the adrenalin flowing .───起跑时的激动确实能使人热血沸腾。

The excitement died down as time went by.───随着时间的推移,激动的心情逐渐平静下来.

She has always craved excitement.───她总渴望刺激。

Try and retain the excitement of the event in your writing, without taking liberties with the truth.───请尽量在文字中再现活动的热烈气氛,但不要对事实添油加醋,任意窜改。


The children exclaimed with excitement.

Her face flamed with excitement.

The children were jumping up and down with excitement.

Her latest film has generated a lot of interest/excitement.

The pupils were bubbling over with excitement.