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时间:2022-10-31 00:05:26 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2969字


I want you too


还要───still more;我───I


They drove on fortified with still more Scotch.───他们又喝了一些苏格兰威士忌,继续驾车前行

She can speak English, much more / let alone / still more write it.───她会说英语, 更不用说写英文了.

Changed viewpoints and still more discoveries undoubtedly lie ahead.───毫无疑问将来还会有与现在不同的观点,也会有更多的发现.

He became still more dissatisfied with it and secretly did everything in his power to obstruct it.───他对此更不满意,尽在暗里使绊子.

The fifth servant, however, crept into the stove to hear if the doctor knew still more.───但是第五个仆人爬进炉子里,想听听大夫是否还知道些什么。

Poverty looks grim to grown people; still more so to children.───贫穷在成年人心目中,是可怕的; 在孩子们的心目中,那就更加可怕的.

Why did the bank not conduct its own audit before lending still more?───银行为什么不在贷出更多钱之前先审计自己的账目呢?

A still more advanced technique produces what are called " integrated circuits ".───还有一项更为先进的技术,创造了所谓的 “ 集成电路. ”


There are still more than 500 MIAs.

His words fuelled her anger still more.

He came up with still more stories.

University affiliations are at times still more restrictive.

The other, still more influential, was Stoicism.