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时间:2022-10-31 04:03:04 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2626字


Moon pool


明月潭───Moon pool


Airship passengers can enjoy an indoor view of the clouds beneath their feet in the moon pool, or go to the upper deck promenade for an open-air excursion.───飞艇内的乘客可以通过他们脚下的月亮池在室内享受云层景观,同时,到上层长廊享受一下露天景观也是不错的选择。

Arrived at moon pool , after left benzilan, the small town.───00在离开奔子栏镇之后, 来到月亮湾.

It appeared that the Buddha, Temple Guanhai therefore being renamed the moon pool.───人们以为菩萨显灵, 观海寺因此逐渐被改称为明月池.

It is said that it has been in pitch - dark night, there to see moon pool.───相传曾有人在漆黑的夜里, 看见池内有明月.

At Changchun, you will visit the Movie Studio and the Pure Moon Pool park.───在长春参观电影制片厂和净月潭公园。

in pitch-dark night, there to see the moon pool.───在漆黑的夜里,看见池内有明月。


Leaning out over the rail he stared down into the moon pool.

It is said that it has been in pitch-dark night, there to see the moon pool.