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时间:2022-10-31 12:03:12 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2715字


They support the trees on the ground


支撑───brace;地上───On the ground


Overhead, the lights showed the old timbers, used to brace the roof.───在头顶上,光线照射出支撑屋顶的旧木头。

Note that the compound statements begin with an open brace and end with a close brace.───注意复合语句是以一个左括号开头,一个右括号结尾.复合语句可以被看成一个整句.

The Spaniard kicked off this season with a brace at Dinamo Zagreb in the Champions League.───西班牙小将在本赛季对萨格布勒迪纳摩的冠军联赛中破门.

Once they made him wear a brace but he fretted so he was downright ill.───有一次,他们让他戴上支架,但他焦躁不安,因此病得很重。

The doctor cautioned him to brace up.───医生告诫他要振奋精神.

You'll have to brace up to your misfortune and get on with your work.───你得做好准备正视自己的不幸,继续干你的工作.

The next thing I laid hold of was a brace of pistols.───我弄到手的第二件东西是一对手枪.

He come home with two brace of rabbit in the bag.───他带著装有两对野兔的猎袋回家来了.


The doctor cautioned him to brace up.