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时间:2022-10-31 20:01:38 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2711字


What does it represent




They choose me to be their representative.───他们选我作他们的代表.

He was in no way representative of dog trainers in general.───他绝不能代表大多数的驯狗师。

He was met by a representative of the King of Holland.───他受到荷兰王的代表的迎接.

He was invited to sit on the rostrum as a representative of extramural instructors.───他以校外辅导员身份,被邀请到主席台上.

This question is very representative.───这问题非常典型.

She had a stressful job as a sales representative.───作为一名销售代表,她的工作压力很大。

Ms Halliwell visited the Philippines in her capacity as a Special Representative of Unicef.───哈利韦尔女士以联合国儿童基金会特别代表的身份访问了菲律宾。

I sent my representative to the meeting.───我派了代表参加会议.


I was the sole representative of the general practitioners.

The premier accredited Mr. Bush as his representative.

I sent my representative to the meeting.

He is representative of a big firm.

If love is the representative of the happiness, that what is happiness.