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时间:2022-10-31 20:03:12 作者:趣历史 字数:2964字


Rat tail


鼠尾───Rat tail


Methods The animal model of chronic fatigue and the swimming experiment were used in this study, with the rat tail suspension test of the animal ethology method.───方法采用慢性疲劳动物模型,通过小鼠游泳实验,结合大鼠悬尾实验等动物行为学方法进行研究。

Rat tail, entire absence of brush.───老鼠尾巴,整体缺乏毛发。

A rat tail file; a rat tail comb.───细圆锉,鼠尾锉; 鼠尾梳.

We ask if he kept rat - tail Jedi braid.───我们问他是否还保留着那条绝地小辫.

X-ray technician Joe Livermore said "It's got a rat tail and a head like a deer.───X射线技师Joe Livermore说,“它有一个老鼠的尾巴和一个像鹿一样的脑袋。

Rat tail with absence of brush.───缺乏毛发象老鼠尾巴.

Objective To investigate the ameliorative effect of ginseng glycopeptide on cross - linking of rat tail tendon collagen.───目的:观察人参糖肽对大鼠尾腱胶原交联的影响.


Study Design. The degenerative response of rat tail and lumbar intervertebral stab incision was evaluated.

A rat tail file; a rat tail comb.

Method: Fresh rat tail tendon was taken as raw material through emulsification condensation method to make curcumin monomer of the curcumin collage microparticles.

Objective To observe the effects of pyridoxamine on cross-linking of collagen protein in rat tail tendon.

Rat tail with absence of brush.