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时间:2022-10-31 20:05:15 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2670字


Mr. accountant


先生───sir;看账───Checking accounts


Good morning, sir. Can I help you?───好,先生。您要点什么?

Of all her admirers the most permanent was Sir John.───在她所有的爱慕者当中,约翰爵士最有恒心.

May I suggest a white wine with this dish, Sir?───先生,吃这道菜,我给您推荐一种白葡萄酒,好吗?

It is not an unsympathetic biography, but Sir Edward has taken against it.───这本传记并不惹人厌,可爱德华爵士不喜欢它。

Her Ladyship's expecting you, sir.───夫人阁下正等着您呢,先生。

"We shall, sir," said Thorne, with conviction.───“我们会的,先生,”索恩坚定地说。

There is a lady to see you, sir.───先生, 有位小姐要见你.

"This Sawtry guy, he is John Sawtry?"— 'Yes. sir. The very same.'───“这个叫索特里的小伙子,他是约翰·索特里吗?”——“是的,先生。正是他。”


Sir Kenneth concluded with a sideswipe at his critics.

'This is intolerable!' exclaimed Sir Rufus.

Can I help you, sir?

What seems to be the problem, sir?

I don't quite follow you, sir.