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时间:2022-11-01 12:03:23 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2727字


Current president




I must consult my principal.───我必须同委托人商量.

The two principal combustion products are water vapor and carbon dioxide.───两种主要的燃烧产物是水蒸气和二氧化碳。

The principal made another vain appeal for better equipment in the school laboratory.───校长又一次请求增加学校实验设备,但又是一场空.

The principal reason for this omission is lack of time.───跳过它的主要原因是时间不足。

A principal criminal fell into the net.───要犯落网.

They were the principal shareholders in a bank riddled with corruption.───他们是一家腐败成风的银行的主要股东。

The post of principal of the theatre school became vacant and he leapt at the chance.───戏剧学校校长一职出缺,他马上抓住了这个机会。

The principal is a very busy woman.───校长是个大忙人。


The principal papers talked up his latest novel.

We looked around the school and talked with the principal.

The principal castigate the student who have insult their teacher.

I must consult my principal on this matter.

The principal reason for my change of mind is this.