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时间:2022-11-02 00:02:29 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2868字


Small bridge


小桥───small bridge;小桥───small bridge


The road ducked into a small bridge.───这条路突然向下延至一座小桥.

This small bridge is made of thick planks.───这座小桥是用厚厚的木板搭起来的.

Small bridge flat banks, water flows.───小桥 、 流水、人家.

The small bridge narrows the river, so ships can't get through.───那座小桥使河道变窄, 从而限制了船通过.

After a mile, you come to a small bridge.───走过一英里以后你便来到一座小桥。

Last night he dreamed of the small bridge in his hometown.───他昨天梦见了梓里的小桥.

Built willow village bridge to wait for 18 medium or small bridge.───建成了柳村桥等18座中小型桥梁.

Walking path, the more small bridge, around luxuriant fragrant grass, ears Yan Ni - nan language.───走小径, 越小桥, 身边芳草萋萋, 耳边燕语呢喃.


A car has driven off the small bridge and is slowly sinking in the river.

Just follow your nose until you come to a small bridge.

Take the planks from the tree to the small bridge and use them to complete it. 16.

It is reached by stepping stones over the lawn and a small bridge crossing the bog garden and two linking fish pools.

No sooner had she crossed a small bridge near the farm than the storm resumed with even greater intensity.