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时间:2022-11-02 16:01:09 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:3115字


There are many less fortunate people than we are


幸运的人───Lucky people;不如───Not as good as


Lucky people tend to see the positive side of their ill fortune.───幸运的人往往看到自己厄运的积极方面。

may not seem this way, but Americans are a lucky people.───看起来并非如此,但美国人的确是个幸运的民族。

Lucky people treat bad luck as a learning experience.───而幸运的人会从坏运气中吸取经验。

"Maybe, " she said, "like my husband, I was one of those lucky people who could eat whatever she wanted and not gain weight. "───“也许,”她接着说,“我会是像我丈夫那样的幸运儿,可以想吃什么就吃什么,永远不用担心发胖。”

Ferrari is exclusive. The company launches a limited 5000 cars worldwide every year, and only a few very lucky people can have one.───法拉利每年仅面向全球限量投放的5000多辆高性能跑车,因此只有一小部分幸运儿才能买到,这使得法拉利这个品牌当之无愧地成为“独一无二”的代名词。

Generosity: Being generous to others seems to be a trait in all lucky people.───慷慨大方:对待他人慷慨大方似乎成为所有幸运的人的特性。


Lucky people do not just tunnel in one place with blinders on; they open their eyes to everything and throw themselves into serendipity's path whenever possible.

A few lucky people have struck gold by investing in this company.

I look with envy on those lucky people with big families.

Some lucky people are endowed with both brains and beauty.