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时间:2022-11-02 16:02:26 作者:美篇推荐 字数:3235字


How to steam flat fish




European flatfish highly valued as food.───欧洲非常珍贵的食用比目鱼.

Like all modern flatfish , the yellowtail flounder has both eyes on one side of its head.───如同所有现代的比目鱼一样, 美洲黄盖鲽的两只眼睛位于头部的同一侧.

There were other catches, too, perhaps two baskets of flatfish, prawns, sea crabs, and the common sardine variety.───还有其他的收获,也许有两篮比目鱼、对虾、海蟹和常见的沙丁鱼。

European flatfish, Scophthalmus maximus, that has a brown, knobby upper side and is prized as food.───一种欧洲比目鱼,大菱鲆身体上部棕色, 散布着许多小瘤, 是极受重视的食用鱼.

High big big horn comes home of the flatfish that stew.───高高大大的喇叭回家炖比目鱼的啦.

A dextral flatfish lies with the right eye uppermost.───右侧比目鱼躺着时右边的眼睛朝上.

Common flatfish of north American Pacific coast.───北美洲太平洋沿岸普通的比目鱼。

Fish glacial delicacy basically is hairtail, breed yellow croaker, pomfret, flatfish, mullet, Spanish mackerel to wait.───冰鲜鱼主要为带鱼 、 养殖黄鱼 、 鲳鱼 、 比目鱼 、 梭鱼 、 马鲛鱼等.


The whole skull of a bony flatfish retains the twisted and distorted evidence of its origins.

European flatfish highly valued as food.

A young flatfish starts life swimming near the surface, and it is symmetrical and vertically flattened just like a herring.

European flatfish, Scophthalmus maximus, that has a brown[Sentencedict.com], knobby upper side and is prized as food.

A dextral flatfish lies with the right eye uppermost.