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时间:2022-11-02 16:04:29 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2566字


Can I get a ride




I'm glad you came along.───你跟我一起来,我很高兴。

Along the streets trees and flowers were planted.───沿街种了花木.

Walking along the narrow gangway of the theater, I see a familiar face.───走在剧场里狭窄的过道上时我看到了一张熟悉的面孔.

The gardener trundled a wheelbarrow along the path.───那园丁在小径上推着一辆独轮手推车.

Things are going along nicely.───情况进展良好。

My shoes got soaked as I trudged along.───我的鞋都碴湿了.

A splendid bookcase goes along with the complete encyclopaedia if you pay cash.───如果你付现金购买全套百科全书,可免费获得一个极好的书柜.这是本哲学百科全书.

The snail left a trail of slime along the floor.───蜗牛在地板上留下一道黏液.


I swept along on the boat.

The procession passed along the street.

They brought along Laura Jane in a pram.

Read the on-screen lyrics and sing along.

I hope I will get along with everyone.