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时间:2022-11-02 20:02:14 作者:趣历史 字数:3236字


Teaching Supervisor


主管───executive director;教学───teaching


Mr. Browning is the Chairman and Managing Director and Mr. Simpson is a non - executive Director.───勃朗宁先生是董事长兼总经理,辛普森是非执行董事.

Rebecca Martin is executive director of the Expeditions Council.───丽贝卡?马丁是探险家委员会的执行总裁.

It takes an extraordinary balancing act to be an effective non - executive director.───要想当一名得力的 非 执行董事,需要有非凡的平衡能力.

Jerry Gulley, the executive director , says his outfit's line of credit could be exhausted soon.───执行长官杰里?格力表示,他们机构的信用额度很快就要消耗殆尽了.

Claire Sylvan is the executive director of the group.───克莱尔?西尔文是该组织的执行理事.

The writer is executive director of the Asia - Europe Foundation in Singapore.───作者是设在新加坡的亚欧基金的总干事长.

Paulo Nogueira is Brazil’s executive director at the fund.───保罗·诺盖拉是该基金的巴西执行董事。

At the same time for the Executive Director of Admissions and training.───同时办理行政总监的招生、培训工作.


Gustafson replaces Louisville executive director Wayne Brown, who resigned after 10 years with the orchestra.

The Council appoints an Executive Director to control of the day-to-day running of the Society.

Schriefer is executive director of the Business Executives for National Security commission examining the defense infrastructure.

The role of chief executive has gone to executive director, Mr Joe Stevenson.

Both the executive director of the agency and the deputy executive director are black.