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时间:2022-11-03 00:03:17 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:3401字


Readers of books and periodicals


书刊───Books and periodicals;读者───readers


We see a large number of books and periodicals are packed with the adhesive.───我们看到的众量书刊都是用的是无线胶装的装订方法.

List some of the purchasing books and periodicals you have read, if any.───如果有,请给出你曾读过的采购方面的书籍和期刊.

Pornographic books and periodicals are poisoning teenagers'minds.───黄色书刊毒害了少年儿童的身心健康.

The staining and losing of the books and periodicals are the common phenomena in university library.───书刊污损与流失是高校图书馆普遍存在的现象.

Books and periodicals on the cohesion and effectiveness of resin content, gummed coating thickness and grooving.───书刊的黏结效果与上胶量 、 背胶的涂布厚度及开槽大小有关.

Books and periodicals can be read too.───书籍和书刊也能被阅读.

Binding of books and periodicals cycle short, quality, stability, low error rate of labor intensity light.───胶订书刊的周期短 、 质量稳定 、 差错率低、劳动强度轻.

Finally, check out the books and periodicals in "the Citizen's Library".───最后,可以去《公民图书馆》找找相关的书籍和期刊。


In order to diminish the less of document and manage books and periodicals better, the author points that measures should be taken against peccant readers harmful mentality.

Pornographic books and periodicals are spiritual refuse and must be removed.

Among those prickly areas: the use of technology and the process for weeding books and periodicals from the system.

It has been estimated that a tax on books and periodicals might add as much as £250m to the Exchequer.

Binding of books and periodicals cycle short, quality, stability, low error rate of labor intensity light.