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时间:2022-11-03 00:05:14 作者:美篇推荐 字数:3237字


Complex sentence patterns


句型───sentence pattern;复杂───complex


The sentence is fastidious concisely, the sentence pattern has the change, key prominent.───句子讲究精练, 句型有变化, 重点突出.

A natural language sentence can be transformed into a word tag string or a sentence pattern.───自然语言句子可以变换为词性标记串或句型.

Now it's your turn to practice this sentence pattern in groups of four.───老师又拿出一只笔,进一步操练了这个句型.

Because the sentence pattern allows you to very softly express a dislike about a suggested action.───因为这个句型能让你以一种温和的方式表达对某一提议的不喜。

There are many ways to vary the basic English sentence pattern of subject - verb - object.───由许多方法可以变换英语“主 — 动—宾”基本句型.

The verb predicate sentence pattern of Huian dialect is quite complicated with its own characteristics.───惠安方言动词谓语句是一种极具特点又相当复杂的句型.

English sentences with inanimate subjects are a typical sentence pattern in formal written English.───摘要英语无灵主语句是英语正式书面语中的一种典型句型.

Little kids love this sentence pattern.───小孩子特别喜欢用这个句型.


This is a useful speech making sentence pattern.

Little kids love this sentence pattern.

We are analyzing the sentence pattern of this sentence.

Now it's your turn to practice this sentence pattern in groups of four.

Teaching requirement: Master the learned vocabulary, basic sentence pattern and grammar, and can use that to make piratical sentence, passage. Can read and translate fluently and accurately.