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时间:2022-11-04 12:00:13 作者:学习啦 字数:3194字


Physical and mental exhaustion


心身───Psychosomatic;疲惫───tired out


Psychosomatic medicine is naturally connected with Traditional Chinese Medicine.───心身医学与中医学有着天然的联系.

Girls often develop performance anxiety and psychosomatic symptoms such as stomachaches.───女孩通常表现得焦虑并出现如胃痛那样的身心失调症状.

The aforesaid series of studies shows that psoriasis is a psychosomatic disease.───这一系列研究表明银屑病是典型的心身疾病.

Therefore , its Seven Emotions Etiological Theory occupies much superiority in interpreting psychosomatic relation.───其“七情病因”说在认识“心”“身”关系上颇有优势.

Objective To discuss psychosomatic influence of Doula delivery as compared with non Doula delivery on puerpera.───目的探讨导乐陪伴分娩对产妇身心方面的影响.

Anorexia is one of the psychosomatic disorders.───神经性厌食症是一种心身障碍.

Personality dimensions could predict individuals'psychosomatic symptoms in some degree.───结论:人格维度对心身症状有一定的预测能力.

OBJECTIVE To research the status of various patents of psychosomatic disease using pharmaceutical care in hospitals.───目的了解各类心身疾病患者对药物保健服务的利用状况.


Anyone who has a chronic psychosomatic illness is definitely stuck somewhere on the time track.

The psychosomatic implications were unflattering.

Children are just as susceptible to psychosomatic conditions as adults.

Anorexia is one of the psychosomatic disorders.

The full range of symptoms attributed to psychosomatic illness are shown in Table 1.