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时间:2022-11-04 16:00:51 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2830字


What grade? What class




I flunked math in second grade.───我二年级时数学不及格。

The parents want their child to skip to the second grade.───这家父母希望他们孩子能跳级到二年级.

He received a falling grade on the term paper.───他的学期论文得了个不及格分数.

In seventh grade Mark went out for three sports but was rather poor in two of them.───马克在7年级的时候参加了3个运动项目,但是其中两项他都表现得实力不济。

What grade are you hoping to get?───你希望得到什么样的成绩?

The boy first showed promise as an athlete in grade school.───这个男孩在上小学的时候就初次显示出成为运动员的潜力。

A grade B judge could only be allowed to judge alongside a qualified grade A judge.───B级裁判只能协同有A级资质的裁判进行评判。

The child has skipped to the third grade as he did exceedingly well in his studies.───这孩子因成绩优异而越级升入三年级.


They were refused planning permission for a modern extension because it was a Grade II listed building.

He still wants to play top grade football.

I was just in grade school at the time, but I remember it perfectly.

What grade are you in?

High grade petrol is expensive.