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时间:2022-11-04 20:03:28 作者:优美文章达人 字数:3050字






How does summer treat skin frostbite?───夏天怎样治疗皮肤冻伤?

Objective : To research a new therapeutic means to frostbite, and raise the therapeutic effect.───目的: 研究冻伤复温治疗的新方法,方便野战条件下的冻伤救治, 提高冻伤救治效果.

Conclusion: MEBO is not only efficacious in treating burn wounds but also efficacious in treating frostbite.───结论: MEBO不但对烧伤创面同时对冻伤也有明显效果,具有临床应用价值.

Dermatology: Atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, body odor, eczema, frostbite, spots, freckles and so on.───皮肤科: 异位性皮肤炎 、 乾癣 、 狐臭 、 湿疹 、 冻伤 、 斑点 、 雀斑等.

Objective : To evaluate the effect of Marvelous Frostbite Curing Liquid on chilblain.───目的: 考察冻疮神水治疗冻疮的效果.

Sunscreen, lip balm, hats and mittens will protect sensitive skin from sunburn, windburn, and frostbite.───防晒油, 润唇膏, 帽子和手套可以很好的保护敏感皮肤,避免晒黑, 皮肤病或者冻伤.

Sometimes, doctors have been ( to ) removed frostbite areas like fingers and toes.───有时, 医生不得不 切除 手指或脚趾的冻伤部位.

Try not to get frostbite from the wind chill.───注意别被寒风冻伤了.


Their inner bark was used to cure frostbite.

I nearly got frostbite .

There had been many injuries due to frostbite.

Am I in danger of getting hypothermia or frostbite?

She was fighting off the numbness of frostbite.