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时间:2022-11-05 08:00:22 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2989字


Fellow workers, alas




Different messages are constantly being relayed by one's peers, subordinates, and superious.───同事, 下级或上级不断传来各种不同的消息.

Among his peers, Paddy's sons were the greatest character reference he possessed.───在他的同事中间, 帕迪的儿子们具有人们公认的最好的人格.

In regular group confessionals, the worst performers have to explain themselves to their peers.───在定期举行的集体检讨会上,表现最差的人必须向同事作出解释。

She exhibited none of the narcissistic and nihilistic tendencies of her peers.───她一点儿都没表现出同龄人那种自恋和虚无主义的性格倾向。

His engaging personality made him popular with his peers.───他迷人的个性使他深受同龄人的喜爱。

His engaging personality made him popular with his peers.───他迷人的个性使他很受同龄人欢迎。

Had not the Peers too overwhelmingly expressed their preference for no change?───绝大多数上院议员不是也表示不喜欢换人 吗 ?

Being with peers and friends does not necessarily solve this feeling of loneliness.───跟同龄人及朋友在一起并不一定能消除这种孤独感.


Staff members are trained by their peers.

She enjoys the respect of her peers.

The government has created eight new peers.

As peers, we should help each other.

He doesn't spend enough time with his peers.