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时间:2022-11-05 20:00:27 作者:学习啦 字数:2689字


If you see someone falling into the water


落水───Fall into the water;看到───notice


He was saved from a fall into the water.───他掉入水中,后被救起。

If you keep filling a ship with stuff, something will eventually go overboard and fall into the water.───如果你不断向船填装材料,最终会超过极限,导致物体落入水中。

You may fall into the water and drown.───你可能会落到水里并溺水。

They are very friendly to people. If you fall into the water and can't swim, they may come up to help you.───它们对人很友好,如果你掉进水里又不会游泳的话,它们会过来救你的。

but when it came to Toad's turn, of course he managed to slip and fall into the water with a loud splash and a squeal of alarm.───轮到蟾蜍时,他偏要滑倒。扑通一声跌进水里,还惊恐地尖叫一声。

the husband went on with his own reason: why not suppose something els ? why suppose that my mom fall into the water instead of your mom?───老公强词夺理:“你假设什么不好,干吗假设我妈妈掉水里,你怎么不假设你妈?”


Don't play at the waterside. You might fall into the water!