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时间:2022-11-05 20:03:37 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2845字


More than 30000


三万多───More than 30000


This paper is divided into three parts, the body of more than 30000 words.───本文共分三个部分,正文三万余字。

As of 2010 May, peak training served enterprises has reached more than 30000 customers!───截至2010年5月,峰训服务过的企业客户已达30000多家!

drivers and front seat passengers are killed or seriously injured each year.───每年都会有30000多司机和前排的乘客死亡或严重受伤。

An aircraft of that type and age would normally be expected to have logged little more than 30, 000 flights.───该类型的飞机和寿命正常预期为飞行30000多次航班。

ThyssenKrupp Elevator Group is one of the world leading elevators & escalators companies with more than 30, 000 employees worldwide.───森克虏伯电梯集团是全球三大电梯和自动扶梯生产商之一,雇员约30,000人。

Yet the presence of more than 30, 000 soldiers and police, as well as paramilitary units, has not halted the violence.───但是超过30,000的军人,警察和辅助军事组织的出现并没有使暴力冲突停止。


Established in 2000, our company covers the area of more than 30000 square meters and the floorage occupies 20000 square meters.

M42 itself is comparatively young, probably not more than 30000 years old.