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时间:2022-11-11 12:10:18 作者:星火作文 字数:2662字


There is a village in front of the nature park


自然公园───Nature park;村庄───village


Another nature park has been built to raise more milu deer.───又修建了一座自然公园以饲养更多的麋鹿.

On his days off, he takes them to the nature park.───在他休假的日子, 他带他们去自然公园.

There is forest in the nature park.───在自然公园有个森林.

I live near the nature park.───我住在自然公园附近。

There is a nature park in the city.───在城市里有个自然公园.

There is a nature park near the house.───房子的附近有一个自然公园。

Zoom : What a nice day! Let's go to a nature park!───多么好的一天 啊 !让我们去自然公园吧!

Tens of thousands of deer are kept in the nature park.───在那座天然公园里养着数以万计的鹿.


The canisters containing the pellets were stolen on Thursday night by thieves who broke into a storeroom at a Berkshire nature park.

Youll ride the Kuranda Scenic Railway, visit the Rainforestation Nature Park, take a Dreamtime Walk and cuddle a koala, then take an amazing ride on the Skyrail Rainforest Cableway.