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时间:2022-11-11 16:05:52 作者:语文迷 字数:2818字


Beijing skating rink


滑冰场───Skating rink;北京───Beijing


Skating on the skating rink is good fun.───在溜冰场溜冰是很有趣的.

The speed-skating rink was built to look like an overturned ship, and placed so as not to disturb a bird sanctuary.───速度滑冰场的建造形状像一艘侧翻的船,并在选址时注意避开鸟类保护区。

They turn this entire area in the center here to an ice skating rink.───他们将这位于中心的整个地区变为溜冰场。

A: It is not necessary . You can rent them at the skating rink.───甲: 用不着,滑冰场有出租的.

In the shadow of Lenin's tomb, the new skating rink is open.───在陵寝的阴影中, 有一个溜冰场开幕.

Only in Scotland are there disabled parking places in front of a skating rink.───只有在苏格兰才会在溜冰场外专设伤残人士泊车位.

There's a skating rink uptown.───市郊有一个溜冰场。

There is an ice skating rink which is fun for everybody.───那儿有个对每个人来说都其乐无穷的溜冰场。


The road was like a skating rink .

Margarett had gone from school to the skating rink.

Skating on the skating rink is good fun.

There's a skating rink uptown.

We took the cable car up to the skating rink, and the view was stunning.