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时间:2022-11-11 20:06:15 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2732字


A drop of water


滴水之恩───A drop of water


Watching her frazzle like a drop of water placed on a hot frying pan actually helped.───看着她疲惫不堪,就像一滴水落在热煎锅上一样,这真的很有帮助。

A vapor, a drop of water suffices to kill him.───一口气, 一滴水就足以致他死命了.

Wasting even a grain of rice or a drop of water is deemed guilty in Taoism.───哪怕只是浪费一粒米、一滴水,道教都认为是有罪过的.

The square was crowded so tightly that not a drop of water could have trickled through.───广场上挤得水泄不通.

It only takes a drop of water to start a waterfall.───千丈瀑布,源于滴水.

We mustn't waste a drop of water or a grain of rice.───一滴水一粒米我们都不应当浪费.

I have not taken a drop of water.───我一点水都没喝.

Not even a drop of water passed his lips.───他滴水不进.


Can I have a drop of water in my whiskey, please?

a drop of water / rain / blood / milk / whisky.

Basalt, basalt everywhere, and not a drop of water in sight.

A drop of water fell on her bare arm and she jerked, a little bitten-off exclamation.

He gave the dying man a drop of water from his flask.