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时间:2022-11-12 20:01:27 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2858字


On the third day of the third lunar month


农历───lunar calendar;三月初三───The third day of March


It is in fact the New Year according to our lunar calendar.───按照我国的农历,它实际上就是新年.

But at the same time, they use their own lunar calendar.───但同时他们也用自己的阴历.

Because the lunar calendar says today is auspicious.───因为农历上说今天是黄道吉日啊.

All traditional Chinese festivals are lunar calendar festivals.───中国的传统节日都是按照太阴历计算的.

In the lunar calendar, the years are designated by the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches.───阴历用干支纪年.

Besides Chinese New Year, what are the other festivals according to the Lunar Calendar?───农历新年以外还有什么节日?

These solar periods all fall in the eleventh month of the lunar calendar.───这几个节气都是在冬月之中的.

Today is September ninth by lunar calendar . It's Double Ninth Festival.───今天是农历九月初九,是重阳节.


Today is September ninth by lunar calendar . It's Double Ninth Festival.

May the fifth on the lunar calendar.

Please switch to solar calendar lunar calendar site tool to search.

Tomb-sweeping Day is from Chinese lunar calendar.

Our Mid - autumn Festival is on August 15 th in Chinese lunar calendar.