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时间:2022-11-13 08:02:07 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:3089字


Single sentence


单句───Single sentence


Just as a single word can change the meaning of a sentence, a single sentence can change the meaning of a paragraph.───正如一个单词可以改变一句话的意思,一句话可以改变一段话的意思。

He was her prisoner after a single sentence.───就这一句话,就足以使他成为她的囚犯。

That single sentence validated the suffering that I was then feeling.───那个简单的句子验证了我所经历的痛苦。

There was no news release -- just a single-sentence update to a company blog post featured on the firm's investor-relations Web page.───没有新闻发布,谷歌只是在投资者关系网页上的公司博客栏目中张贴了一个更新,仅一句话而已。

If the complex argument of this book had to be reduced to a single sentence, that would be it.───如果这洋洋洒洒一本书的主要论点缩减成一句话,那么就应该是这句了。

"Truthful people will not dramatically alter their speech rate within a single sentence, " he said.───Geiselman说:“诚实的人不会话说到一半突然间改变语速。”


You should be able to answer the question in a single sentence, and a short one at that.

If words had weight, a single sentence from Death would have anchored a ship.

Complex sentence have more meaning than single sentence as a kind of syntactic unit, and their structure are also quite complex.

Describe your best friend in a single sentence.

And wrote, then, a single sentence on a line of Miss Thorne's medical record card.