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时间:2022-11-13 12:02:12 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2384字


Stupid girl


蠢丫头───Stupid girl


Don't you know she's a stupid girl?───你不知道她是个愚蠢的女孩子吗?

Alice wasn't a stupid girl.───爱丽丝不是一个愚蠢的女孩。

Be really a stupid girl.───真正愚蠢的女孩。

So it threw me for a loop when I saw him walking into the movie theater with that stupid girl who sits next to him in biology class.───所以当我看到他和那个生物课上坐在他旁边的蠢丫头一起走进电影院的时候非常震惊。

She was a very stupid girl, but a good sort, and I didn't much care for her to see me in the state I was in.───她很傻,不过是个好女孩,我不怎么想让她看到我那副样子。

So it threw me for saw him walking into the movie theater with that stupid girl who sits next to him in biology class.───所以,当我看到他和生物课坐在他旁边的那个傻姑娘一起走进电影院的时候,我真是大吃一惊,害得我心烦意乱的。
