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时间:2022-11-13 16:00:32 作者:星火作文 字数:2655字


Mr. Jones, this is Ms. green




This guy bore a really freaky resem-blance to Jones.───这个家伙和琼斯长得惊人地相似。

Smith and Jones met in last year's final.───史密斯和琼斯在去年的决赛中相遇。

Jones had set out to intimidate and dominate Paul.───琼斯开始恐吓并控制保罗。

A red-faced Mr Jones was led away by police.───一位涨红了脸的琼斯先生被警察带走了。

Jones has been axed from the team.───琼斯已被开除出队。

The results of the poll dealt a humiliating rebuff to Mr Jones.───民意调查的结果对琼斯先生很不利,让他颜面尽失。

Fusilier Jones ran towards the Ops Room to find his lieutenant.───燧发枪团士兵琼斯奔向作战指挥室寻找他的中尉长官。

His mother offered her apologies to the Jones family.───他的母亲向琼斯一家赔了不是。


Mr.Jones is very ill and needs an operation.

Ms Jones will be back shortly.

Mr. Jones became headmaster last year.

Sentencedict.com try its best to gather and make good sentences.

Reverend Jones has moved to a new church.