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时间:2022-11-13 16:10:52 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2526字


Everything's fine




A distant relative is not as good as a near neighbour.───远亲不如近邻.

He was never any good.───他一向不行.

If the new actor is no good, kick him out.───如果那个新来的演员不怎么样就让他走.

In addition to copper, there are many other metals which are good conductors.───除了铜之外, 还有很多其他金属都是良导体.

This medicine has done me a lot of good.───这药对我帮助很大.

I've got a fairly good idea of what they want.───我已经完全清楚他们要什么.

Man's life is full of the various good or ill luck.───人生充满着种种吉凶.

The gift to the boy was conditioned on his good behavior.───给孩子的礼物是以他的表现好坏为条件的.


A good name is easier lost than won.

It is imperative that politicians should be good communicators.

Shoes are no good if they let in water.

Hope is a good breakfast, but a bad supper.

A good beginning is half the battle.