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时间:2022-11-13 20:05:59 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2487字


She is a doctor




His life was saved by the doctor.───他的生命被那位医生救了.

The doctor spoke in a brusque tone.───医生不客气地简单说了几个字。

He elected that he should become a doctor.───他决定要当一名医生.

Harry aims at becoming a doctor.───哈利立志做一名医生.

Hearing that there was an emergency case, the doctor put down his chopsticks and left at once.───听说有急诊, 医生撂下筷子就走.

The doctor visits his patients at their homes at regular intervals.───那医生定期到病人家出诊.

This is not Doctor Malcolm, he is an impostor.───这不是马尔科姆医生, 他是骗子.

She married a Bengali doctor.───她和一个孟加拉医生结婚了。


Quick! Go and fetch a doctor.

Diet cures more than the doctor.

The athlete is checked by their physio or doctor.

The doctor said she'd make a quick recovery.

He qualified as a doctor last year.