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时间:2022-11-14 00:00:32 作者:语文迷 字数:3322字


Body image


体象───Body image


But body image is much more.───但是身体印象不止这些.

Psychologists and counselors agree that a negative body image is directly related to self - esteem .───消极的身体印象直接关系到 自尊,心理学家们和顾问们对此表示肯定.

Anorexia nervosa is characterized by starvation attitudes toward food, and distorted body image.───神经性厌食症的特征是拒绝进食以至体形异常.

There has been a shift in the male body image.───男性们对自己身体的印象已经发生了转变.

people feel about their looks is a big problem for many young people today.───对现在的许多年轻人来说,人们对自己外表的看法是一个大问题。

Women who overestimated their weight were at risk of body image problems.───高估自己的体重妇女往往处于身体形象问题的风险中.

An Apparatus for Naked Human Body Image Detection.───裸露人体影像之侦测方法.

Celebrities and them is often accused of producing images that affect young people's body image.───人们时常指责明星和娱乐圈用虚假的相片来误导青少年对于自我形象的认知.


Although body image is just one part of our self-image, during the teen years, and especially during puberty, it can be easy for a guy's whole self-image to be based on how his body looks.

Body image is part of someone's total self-image. So how a guy feels about his body can affect how he feels about himself.

He needs to overcome a negative body image .

Method:Body Image scale Results: BIS of middle schoodstudents in Jilin city was higher than that in Yanji city.

Negative effects of body image depression on overall self-regard should be paid attention to when the education of body image is conducted in teenagers.