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时间:2022-11-16 20:00:34 作者:学习啦 字数:2384字


Take the old man to the hospital


老人───the elderly;医院───hospital


The association is advising pregnant women, the very young and the elderly to avoid such foods.───协会建议孕妇、儿童和老年人不要食用此类食物。

the costs of health care for the elderly───老年人的医疗费用

The elderly railed against further cuts in their standard of living.───上了年纪的人因进一步降低他们的生活水准而发牢骚.

The elderly relative had died of old age.───这位年事已高的亲戚得享天年。

The elderly are a formidable force in any election.───老年人在任何选举中都是一股不可小觑的力量。

It will be marketed as a tonic for the elderly.───这将作为老年人滋补品在市场上销售.

arrangers of care services for the elderly───安排照料老人的筹划者

One of the biggest problems for the elderly is lack of income.───缺少收入是老年人最大的问题之一.
