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时间:2022-11-16 20:03:10 作者:优美文章达人 字数:3002字


entire audience


满堂───entire audience


The entire audience broke into loud applause.───全场观众爆发出响亮的掌声。

entire audience were required to wear formal dress to the concert.───音乐会要求所有的听众身着大礼服。

The hero's speech touched the entire audience.───英雄讲的话感动了所有的听众。

On the day of the performance, the entire audience focussed their whole attention on me, and instantly I felt a great sense of pride.───在表演那天,所有观众的目光都集中都在我身上,顿时,一种自豪归纳油然而生。

He took an entire audience of cynical tech people and brought our energy levels up 10 notches.───他和一个持怀疑态度技术人员进行交谈,之后,很大程度的提高了我们所有人的干劲。

When the guitarist began his solo, the entire audience exploded into a roaring "All right! "───当吉他手开始他的独奏时,全场轰鸣,观众高喊‘太棒了!


After the competition ended, Lindane respected the military salute acknowledgment to the entire audience.

After the entire audience competes ended, a 30 year-old about male audience is unrestrainedly shouts loudly: the men's football team is great!

He had the entire audience in fits of laughter.

Actually the entire audience competes, praises the race horse to drift away outside team's tactical system.

As entire audience only highest award item community responsibility prize winner.