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时间:2022-11-17 00:00:41 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:3133字


A brief introduction


觕疏───A brief introduction


After a brief introduction, he left Charlie to please the audience.───在简短的介绍之后,他离开查理去取悦观众。

brief introduction to hosting economics.───简介托管涉及到的经济因素。

I think at the beginning of each book a brief introduction to it is necessary.───我认为每本书开头的简短介绍都是很有必要的。

I am very glad to be conducting this interview with you. Could you please first make a brief introduction?───非常高兴你能接收我们的采访。首先你能简单地做一个自我介绍吗?

The thesis begins with a brief introduction of the word'Aesthetic'and the european athletic movement during the late nineteenth century.───首先简要地介绍美学(Aesthetic)的词汇来源和19世纪晚期的欧洲唯美主义运动及其代表人物王尔德。

It begins with a brief introduction to the Qing salt zone system, followed by an analysis of its historical origins.───全文大致可分两部份:第一部份,简介清代盐区的制度和探讨它的起源。


A brief introduction about the processing design of equipment for MEA are described. It used o-toluidine as raw material through ethylene alkylation to produce MEA.

Mr Brown gave a brief introduction to the course.

He began with a brief introduction.

For each total synthesis a brief introduction is given, outlining the biological activity and other syntheses of the target compound.

Each chapter begins with a brief introduction, and ends with a comprehensive list of references - typically in the hundreds.