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时间:2022-11-18 00:03:34 作者:趣历史 字数:2575字


Some dishes




The food reawakens memories of dishes that their mothers once cooked.───这种食物使他们再次想起母亲曾经做过的菜。

We loved the food so much, especially the fish dishes.───我们很喜欢这些食物,尤其是鱼。

He'd cooked dinner and washed the dishes.───他做了饭,还洗了碗。

She slams the kitchen door so hard I hear dishes rattle.───她把厨房门重重地关上,我甚至听到了碟子的震颤声。

The kids offered to do the dishes.───孩子们主动要求洗盘子。

The spicy flavours in these dishes call for reds rather than whites.───这些菜的味道辛辣,应该配红酒而不是白葡萄酒。

You wash the dishes and I'll dry.───你洗盘子,我来擦干。

She was bent over the sink washing the dishes.───她俯在水槽边洗盘子。


Susan and her brother take turns doing the dishes.

Would you put the dishes away?

He dried the dishes carefully.

I'll just do the dishes before we go.

She dried the dishes carefully.