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时间:2022-11-18 04:01:11 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2638字






The music doesn't lend itself to dancing.───这音乐不适宜于跳舞

Her denials of this charge served merely to lend it credence.───她对这一指控的矢口否认,反倒更使人相信这一指控是真的.

I was going to ask him to lend me a hand when he came just in time.───我正想找他来帮帮忙,可好他来了.

We were lucky to persuade a famous judge to lend his name to the movement for improving prison conditions.───我们运气好,说服了一个著名的法官以他的名义支持改善监狱条件的运动.

Lend me a hand to shift this box, will you ?───来帮一下忙,把这箱子搬开, 好 吗 ?

Some people neither borrow nor lend.───有些人既不借也不贷.

The company will lend you money on very unfavourable terms.───这家公司会以非常刻薄的条件借钱给你.

If only the banks would lend money without limit!───但愿银行能无限制地贷款!


Can you lend me ten dollars?

A ready way to lose friend is to lend him money.

Can you lend me your car this evening?

She must be crazy to lend him money.

Lend me your coat brush.